People seems to think (says) that appearance is really important to, i don't know, get jobs, get some opportunities, get boys.
But sometimes being pretty (because, apparently i am pretty -beauty is such a subjective thing for me-) isn't enough.
Sometimes being pretty, and smart, and nice, isn't enough.
Or being pretty, smart, responsible, nice, talented, comprensive, supportive, naughty, fun, not jelaous, outgoing, chilled, caressing, tender, passionate, impulsive, open, healthy, coming from a good family, sensitive, true, and all the "good things" we can say, just is NOT enought.
'Cause I don't know which will the next step be in this.
This is all pure chemistry, pure, new, adolescent chemistry. All sparks.
Submerged in a thick hormonal breeze, oftenly (so much more than OFTEN) interrupted by strong and fast, so furious emotions.
We try, we try hard...
and while you try so hard to get into my body, with all this conviction,
i'm really trying to get into your mind.
A vicious circle without beginning or expiration date. so fucked up in ourselves, but at the same time, so gone (us both) of this powerful core.
I'm just a pretty thing to you, although next day i can be everything, and vice versa.
And all of this, is driving me so so freaking mad.

5 comentarios:
superficialidad... a veces creo que no podemos hacer nada contra tan vil ¿sentimiento?
Te quiero, y no por ser linda, sino que por todo lo que indirectamente me das :)
please, don't go mad. that's scare me. and if this time you don't want that feeling goes away... Catch it.
lov ya, little girl.
A ver...
Yo siempre he dicho que las niñas lindas les cuesta mas encontrar un pareja porque tal como dices los hombres solo ven su superficialidad...
Y además porque el resto de los hombre no se les acercan debido a que el Chileno es timido y le teme al rechazo...
Tu tranquila no mas... por lo poco que te conozco además de la belleza de la cual escribes, tienes talento para dar y regalar...
Y si un hombre no se fija en ello dejalo pasar que no vale la pena...
ES que tal vez tantas cosas buenas no sean lo mejor .
Son nuestros errores los que nos hacen humanos.
Y creer que a veces hay que tratar de ser los mas perfectamenete "bien" nos vuelve locos
por lo menos a mi
y realmente ser bonita no lo es todo my friend
hay muchas cosas mas importantes
por lo menos para la gente que realemente vale
nos estamos viendo por ahi
pero nunca mas un dia lunes en la tarde afuera de la escuela industrial volviendo de dar una rica psu de ciencias .
profundamente superficial.
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